No Money, No Talk?
No Trust, No Deal.

One huge lesson I’ve picked up from Jordan Belfort- people buy based on logic and emotion. And most of the time, people buy emotions first, then justify with logics. How does someone actually buy emotions? If you are in sales (which we all are), relationship building is key towards conversion, customer retention and customer relationship management. The question is how do you actually gain trust from your prospects and customers?


  1. Understand Your Prospect’s DNA (Desires, Needs and Aspirations)

Know what are your prospect’s needs, desires, wants, pain points and key concerns.  The tool to use is strategic questions. Ask the right questions and you will discover these hidden motives. The underlying principle in sales is to help identify their pain, help them get rid of their pain and facilitate towards their pleasure.

– What are their key concerns?
– What do they like/dislike about getting a property/beauty product/insurance policy etc?
– What would they like to see more of?
– Have they ever bought something similar before?
– How did they decide to buy the previous product?
– What are some challenges they are facing now?
– What are some challenges they might be facing in the future?


  1. Show Testimonials

One of the main deciding factors in your prospect’s internal dialogues is the proven results from your product or service. You might want to share some of your success stories, case studies and testimonials from your previous or existing customers. Share the ones who are most relevant to your prospects in terms of social, cultural and career background. Here’s a guide on how you can use stories in your testimonials:

– Challenge: What were some challenges from your clients before they encountered your product or service?
– Option/Solution: What solution did they take?
– Results: What results are they observing now as a result of your product or service?


  1. Show The Bigger Picture

Adding on to #2 above, this part highlights about the benefits (What’s In It For Me?) your prospects can possibly gain from your product and service. Note that it is not about the features, it’s the benefits. How much return of investment they can possibly get? What’s the forecast of quantitative results they can possibly get? How would this change affect them positively in their life, family, relationship and career? Guide them on what they can expect over a period of time- 3 months, 6 months and 1 year or maybe longer. Be personal and show that you care for them.

– Write Down on a Piece of Paper to Forecast the Results
– Prepare Visual Aids on Possible Return of Investment
– Highlight the Positive Impacts to their Life, Career, Family and Relationship


  1. Establish Rapport From The Very Beginning

Familiarity breeds comfort, comfort breeds trust. The essential element to nurture trust is to establish rapport. Rapport is the mutual sense of connection, comfort and relationship between you and your prospects. And one of the effective ways you can develop instant rapport is through strategic mimicry. When done successfully, they will likely feel that you are more empathetic in their problems and thoughts. Here are a few tips you can possibly mimic (subtly) to establish instant rapport:

– Gestures and Body Orientation
– Tonality and Pace of Speech
– Keyword Backtracking
– Energy


  1. Over Deliver, Under Promise

Walk the talk and exercise integrity at all times. If you say you are going to be there by 4.00 p.m., be there by 4.00 p.m. If you say you are going to drop them an e-mail tomorrow, make sure your e-mail reaches your prospect’s inbox by tomorrow. Establishing trust requires commitment and consistency. Those little inconsistencies like being not punctual, not reverting after a missed call, irregular replies and not fulfilling your promises will just cause more demerits of your prospect’s trust on you.